Beats on the Block Ticket Terms and Conditions

Ticket Terms and Conditions BY PURCHASING A TICKET, THE TICKETHOLDER (“HOLDER” OR “YOU”) AGREES TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS: ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. (a) Holder expressly assumes all risk and danger arising from or incidental to the event for which the ticket is issued (the “Event”), whether such risks occur prior to,…

Ticket Terms and Conditions



(a) Holder expressly assumes all risk and danger arising from or incidental to the event for which the ticket is issued (the “Event”), whether such risks occur prior to, during, or subsequent to the actual Event, including specifically (but not exclusively) the dangers (1) that the event crowd or individual attendees may be inadequately monitored, managed, or controlled by Event security, and as a result may cause personal harm or property damage to the Holder, and (2) that the Holder may be exposed to drugs, alcohol, fighting, or other reasonably foreseeable dangerous conditions or activities prior to, during, or subsequent to the Event.

(b) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Holder understands and agrees that there are certain risks of personal or property injury, illness and/or death associated with attending the Event, including, without limitation, risks related to the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and any resulting disease (together with any mutation, adaptation or variation thereof, “COVID-19”). Holder understands and agrees (a) that the risk of exposure to COVID-19 cannot be fully eliminated and is increased by proximity to other people, (b) that an inherent and elevated risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place or place where people are gathered, (c) that attending the Event may involve coming into close contact with other people, (d) that there is no guarantee, express or implied, that Holder will not be exposed to COVID-19 (e) that exposure to COVID-19 can result in being subject to quarantine requirements, illness, disability, and other short-term and long-term health effects, including death and (f) senior citizens and guests with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable to Covid-19. Despite these risks, Holder voluntarily assumes ALL known and potential risk and danger of injury and/or death from any cause, resulting from, in connection with, or incidental to the Event, including exposure to COVID-19. By completing this purchase and visiting Beats on the Block TM, Holder expressly assumes all risks and dangers arising from or incidental to the Event, whether such risks occur before, during, or after the Event and agrees that the Management is not responsible for any such risks and dangers. If you are sick, running a fever, or have been exposed to covid-19, please stay home until you are healthy. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Holder expressly agrees to the “Attendee Promise” below.

(c) Waiver. Holder forever releases, waives, discharges and agrees not to sue the Event facility, management, promoters, participants, performers, artists, and the ticketing agency and/or ticketing services provider (collectively “management”) and all of their owners, officers, directors, employees, contractors, representatives, and agents, from any known or unknown claims, losses, damages, liability, demands, actions, injury or death, including those relating to COVID-19 or any other illness or injury that Holder may sustain while at the Event, regardless of whether caused by the negligence or other fault of the Management or any third party (collectively, “Claims” or, as used individually, a “Claim”).

For California residents: I understand that this Waiver applies to Claims which I may not know or suspect to exist and I knowingly and voluntarily waive such rights, including those under California Civil Code Section 1542, which provides: “A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release, and that if known by him or her would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.”

Holder further agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Management from any and all claims, demands, liabilities and/or damages arising from all Claims and Holder’s conduct, acts or omissions during the Event. In no event shall Management be liable for consequential or indirect damages.

(d) Limitation of liability. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, none of the Management are or will be responsible or liable to Holder or to any third party for, and Holder expressly waives all rights to seek any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive or other damages under any theory of liability, arising out of or relating in any way to the Event (even if we have been advised of the possibility of such loss or damages, or such loss or damages were reasonably foreseeable).

  1. NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGE. EVENT DATE AND TIME SUBJECT TO CHANGE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. IF THE EVENT FOR WHICH THIS TICKET IS ISSUED IS RESCHEDULED OR CANCELLED, RAIN OR SHINE, THE HOLDER SHALL NOT BE ENTITLED TO A REFUND EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE REQUIRED BY LAW. INSTEAD, THE HOLDER SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED, (1) IF THE EVENT IS RESCHEDULED TO A DATE AND TIME WITHIN TWELVE MONTHS OF THE DATE AND TIME ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED, TO USE THIS TICKET TO ATTEND THE EVENT AT THE RESCHEDULED DATE AND TIME, OR (2) IF THE EVENT IS NOT RESCHEDULED WITHIN TWELVE MONTHS OF THE DATE AND TIME ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED, TO EXCHANGE THIS TICKET FOR ANOTHER TICKET, COMPARABLE IN PRICE AND SEATING LOCATION, TO ANOTHER EVENT THAT IS DESIGNATED BY MANAGEMENT AS THE OFFICIAL REPLACEMENT EVENT FOR THE CANCELLED EVENT. This ticket is not subject to any refund, bears no cash value, and is not redeemable for cash. Artist and set times are subject to change without notice. This ticket is not subject to exchange except as expressly provided above. If issued as a complimentary ticket, this ticket is not exchangeable or redeemable for another ticket to any other event or performance or for any other consideration, monetary or otherwise. Tickets obtained from unauthorized sources may be counterfeit and worthless. Tickets cannot be replaced if lost, stolen or destroyed, and are valid only for the event and seat for which they are issued. It is unlawful to reproduce this ticket or a event wristband in any form. Management reserves all rights not expressly granted to the holder by these terms.

(a) Management reserves the right without the refund of any portion of the pass purchase price, to refuse admission or to eject any person who fails to comply with the rules of the venue, local, state or federal law or whose conduct is deemed illegal, disorderly, or offensive by Management. Conduct of any of the types expressly listed above will automatically terminate this license and all rights of the holder. The exercise of management’s ejection rights hereunder does not entitle the holder to a refund of the ticket price or any part thereof. This ticket is a revocable license and admission may be refused upon refunding the face amount of the ticket, at management’s discretion. Unlawful resale or attempted resale is grounds for seizure and cancellation of the ticket, without compensation, at management’s discretion.

(b) All persons and vehicles entering the facility are subject to search for contraband, alcohol, controlled substances, weapons, firearms, fireworks, video equipment, or professional recording devices, all of which are expressly forbidden, and subject to confiscation. No refunds/exchanges. Pass purchaser/user bears all risks, including cancellation of the Event, of inclement weather. A ticket or Event wristband that is lost or stolen may not be replaced.

(c) This pass may not be used for advertising, promotion (including contests and sweepstakes) or other trade purposes without the express written consent of Management. This ticket is not subject to any refund, bears no cash value, and is not redeemable for cash.


(a) The holder agrees not to transmit or aid in transmitting any description, account, picture, or reproduction of the event, performance, exhibition or game for which this ticket is issued. The holder acknowledges that the event may be broadcast or otherwise publicized, and grants permission for holder’s image or likeness to be used in any live or recorded transmission or reproduction of such event, performance, exhibition or game.

(b) As a condition of Holder’s pass purchase and attendance participation in the Event, Holder hereby grants to Beats on the Block TM, the event director and host organizations a limited license to use Holder’s name, likeness, image, photograph, voice, video, biographical and other information (collectively, “Likeness”), in any media platform or format whatsoever, and to distribute, broadcast and exhibit these without charge, restriction or liability, but only for the purposes of advertising or promoting the Event. The foregoing grant, however, does not constitute consent for any third party to use Holder’s Likeness in an endorsement of any product or service without Holder’s specific written consent.

  1. COMPLIANCE WITH FACILITY RULES. The holder agrees to comply with all local or facility rules that prohibit or limit alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, controlled substances, cameras, recording devices, bundles and containers of any kind from being brought into the event premises.
  2. TICKET PRICE. Unless indicated otherwise, prices include all applicable taxes and/or cash discounts (if available). TICKET PRICE IS NONREFUNDABLE EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT.
  3. PURCHASE OF TICKETS. Easy Breezy Entertainment acts as an intermediary for the various venue operators and/or promoters (“Promoters”) of the events featured on this website. All sales made through this website are subject to the terms of this Agreement.

TERMS OF SALE. Tickets sold through this website grant to the Customer only a revocable license to the bearer that may be revoked at any time for any reason. Resale or attempted resale of any ticket issued hereunder at a price higher than the face value appearing thereon is grounds for seizure and cancellation without compensation. Customer assumes all risk or danger incidental to the attraction, whether occurring prior to, during, or subsequent to, the actual attraction. The terms of sale of each ticket issued pursuant to a transaction initiated on this website are subject to any and all terms imposed by the applicable Promoter. In order to be admitted to an event, each Customer must present the original ticket in its original, undamaged, unaltered form, to the applicable venue at the appropriate time. Entry may be refused for various reasons, including misconduct, intoxication, etc., as determined by the Promoter.

TREAT TICKETS LIKE CASH. Lost or stolen tickets will not be replaced.

RECORDING POLICY. No cameras or recording equipment of any kind are allowed at any event for which tickets are sold to Customers through this website. A violation of this policy will be grounds for revocation of all tickets issued to Customer and/or ejection from the applicable venue.


(a) You and we each may elect to resolve any and all claims and disputes relating in any way to this Agreement or our dealings with one another (“Claims”), except for Claims concerning the validity, scope or enforceability of this Arbitration Agreement, through BINDING INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION. This Arbitration Agreement involves interstate commerce and shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. §§ 1-16 (“FAA”), and not by state law.

(b) If you or we elect to resolve a dispute by arbitration, neither you nor we will be able to have a court or jury trial or participate in a class action or class arbitration. Other rights that you and we would have if you or we went to court will not be available or will be more limited in arbitration, including the right to appeal. You and we each understand and agree that by allowing each other to elect to resolve any dispute through individual arbitration, WE ARE EACH WAIVING THE RIGHT TO A COURT OR JURY TRIAL. IF ANY PARTY ELECTS ARBITRATION, THAT DISPUTE SHALL BE ARBITRATED ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS, AND NOT AS A CLASS ACTION, REPRESENTATIVE ACTION, CLASS ARBITRATION OR ANY SIMILAR PROCEEDING. The arbitrator(s) may not consolidate the claims of multiple parties.

(c) Arbitrations shall be administered by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) pursuant to the applicable AAA rules in effect at the time the arbitration is initiated. You may obtain information about arbitration, arbitration procedures and fees from AAA by calling 800-778-7879 or visiting If AAA is unable or unwilling to arbitrate a dispute, then the dispute may be referred to any other arbitration organization or arbitrator we both agree upon in writing or that is appointed pursuant to section 5 of the FAA. The arbitration shall take place in the federal judicial district where you reside, or in another location on which we agree. The arbitrator shall be authorized to award any relief that would have been available in court, provided that the arbitrator’s authority is limited to you and us alone, except as otherwise specifically stated herein. No arbitration decision will have any preclusive effect as to non-parties. The arbitrator’s decision shall be final and binding. You and we agree that this Arbitration Agreement extends to any other parties involved in any Claims, including but not limited to anyone for whom you purchase passes and our employees, affiliated companies and vendors. This Arbitration Agreement shall take precedence over the rules of the arbitration organization or arbitrator in the event of any conflict.

(d) We will be responsible for paying all arbitration fees other than the lower amount of filing fees you would have incurred in a state or federal court in the jurisdiction of your residence. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, you or we may seek relief in a small claims court for Claims within its jurisdiction. In addition, you and we each may exercise any lawful rights to seek provisional remedies or self-help, without waiving the right to arbitrate by doing so. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, if the foregoing class action waiver and prohibition against class arbitration is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, then this entire Arbitration Agreement shall be void. If any portion of this Arbitration Agreement other than the class action waiver and prohibition against class arbitration is deemed invalid or unenforceable, it shall not invalidate the remaining portions of this Arbitration Agreement.

  • GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida without regard to its conflicts of laws principles. If any provision of this Agreement is declared unenforceable or invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
  • ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement and any supplemental terms, policies, rules and guidelines posted on this website and any terms agreed to in writing by you and us constitute the entire agreement between you and us and supersede all previous written or oral agreements. If any part of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that portion shall be construed in a manner consistent with applicable law to reflect, as nearly as possible, the original intentions of the parties, and the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.
  • NO WAIVER. Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. A waiver by us of any default shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent default. No waiver by us is effective unless it is communicated to you in writing.
  • ASSIGNMENT. We may assign our rights under this Agreement to any third party without your consent. You may not assign your rights or obligations under this Agreement without our prior written consent.
  • RIGHT TO AMEND. We reserve the right to update, change, modify or otherwise alter this Agreement at any time. Any such changes will be effective immediately upon posting on this website. You are responsible for regularly reviewing this Agreement. Your continued use of this website after the posting of changes constitutes your binding acceptance of such changes.
  • CONTACT US. If you have any questions about this Agreement or any other questions or concerns, please contact us at